Published in: Glam Adelaide, Jun 20, 2010
Author: Barry Lenny
This really is the art class my mother warned me about!
Presented by Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Adelaide.
Reviewed by Christine Pyman, 11th June 2010.
This really is the art class my mother warned me about! From the moment of being welcomed by one of the Gorilla Boys (no doubt visiting from NY) to the final pose, this performance was seamless- apart from those on the stockings of course.
Picture this; a darkened room, a mistress of burlesque, a swirling belly dancer, original music, cabaret, glamorous sketch models and more.
Miss Direction draws the show with a firm hand, pulling together form from classic Comedia del Artē , through emotional burlesque performance art to the complete set of deadly sins. She commands complete audience participation -which was willingly given. An extra treat was Anya McNicol-Windram, from Bird Wizdom, performing a personalised version of Pirate Jenny with shape, lines and a great tonal range.
From experienced to budding artists & those with just an artistic bent,
Burlesquology is required study. Reviewed by Glam Adelaide guest critic, Christine Pyman.