Free Resources

The Virtual Actor

Ever wanted to go to the theatre and become Hamlet? Want to try some audience interaction with a technological twist? This research video and TEDx talk gives insight into ways you can create audience interactive performances, without having to pull anyone up onto the stage. Designed to inspire curiosity, they serve as a tool to generate ideas for both budding young directors and teachers wanting to push the envelope with how technology and live theatre can work together.

Access these resources here.

The European Journal of Humour Research

Spitballing, slapstick, lazzi and improvisation: The benefits of practising Commedia dell’Arte in secondary schools.

Commedia dell’Arte is the 16th century genre of theatre from Italy where characters such as Pantalone, Dottore, Il Capitano and Arlecchino reappear in performances showcasing human frailties in comic ways. The term Commedia was initially used to describe “theatre” and Arte to describe one’s trade or business. Now, commonly referred to as “the art of comedy”, Commedia dell’Arte is often taught within the middle years of Australian secondary schools, where it is explored not just for the understanding of the genre itself, but more importantly to impart a number of theatre and life skills.

Full text available here.

Corinna Di Niro

Performing Commedia - a resource for drama teachers

Status, relationship dynamics and basic human necessities are what drive Commedia characters – find them and you’re on your way to developing your own Commedia performance. To help get you started with some Commedia basic, here is Corinna’s own researched notes for you.

Full text available here.

Corinna Di Niro, Ted X Speaker in 2019 in Adelaide, SA

The Marriage of Flavio and Isabella – Promo Trailer

"On the eve of the marriage between Flavio and Isabella, Flavio's jealous ex-girlfriend, Filomena, interrupts the proceedings, with farcical results."
(Fringe Review 2012).

Click the image to view the trailer.

Reviews of this show:
Fringe Review, 2012
Glam Adelaide, 2012
Adelaide Theatre Guide, 2012

Corinna Di Niro, The Zanni Sleep Machine

Commedia sleep machine videos

The Zanni Sleep Machine is a great way to open and close your Commedia play. But how does it work? Well, the idea is that the servants (zanni) are asleep outside in all sorts of positions but in one way or another, their movements work together to make a machine...a sleep machine that is.

Groups should be between 4-8 people. Each ensemble member should find an action and sound that they can repeat over and over again and that can be sped up to add to the chaos and hilarity.

Actions can include anything and everything from rolling, jumping, scratching, swinging arms and more. Sounds can include snoring in part with another ensemble member or in full, talking in your sleep, or making various shrieks and screams.

These short videos are from recent teacher professional development days. They are of the various groups rehearsing and trying out various ideas. Feel free to take a look and try to create your own sleep machine!

Access these resources here.

Contact us for any questions or to make a booking.